Monday, March 3, 2008

Hopetards bend over (Nafta Shafta)

Apparently the unmentionable's campaign dispatched senior economic advisor Austin Goolsbee to soothe Canadian Government fears that he was articulating an anti-NAFTA position, despite the fact that he is. "Don't listen to all of that," Goolsbee said. "It's just talk." (ok, I'm paraphrasing for you.)

Thank you to AP's Nedra Pickler for blowing the lid off by obtaining the smoking-gun Canadian Gov. memo and filing this extensive report.

And to Jake Tapper (we heart him, at least briefly) for his post and inspiring headline on ABC's Political Punch, which sums it up this way:

"The Obama campaign over the weekend falsely claimed the CTV story had been 'retracted.' It has not.
And in fact, the story seems today more alive than ever. That is, if the press does its job. If."

Will Hopetards still love him tomorrow?

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